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Research and Scholarship

Research Team Members, circa 2009

Research Team Members, circa 2012

Research Team Members, circa 2017

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Research Team Members, circa 2014

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Research Team Members, circa 2015

Research Team Members, circa 2017


Research Team Members, circa 2019


Dr. Kevin Nadal is a Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center - City University of New York. His main areas of research focus on: (a) Microaggressions; (b) Gender & Sexuality Issues; (c) Filipino American issues; and (d) Systemic Oppression in Criminal Justice.


Measures available for use:

Dr. Nadal has published four measures for use by the general public:

(a) The Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions Scale (Nadal, 2011)

(b) The Perceptions of Police Scale (Nadal & Davidoff, 2015)

(c) The Sexual Orientation Microaggressions Scale (Nadal, 2019)

(d) The Gender Identity Microaggressions Scale (Nadal, 2019)

To utilize either of these scales, please visit the links above.

Microaggressions are defined as brief and commonplace daily, verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults toward members of oppressed groups" (Nadal, 2008, p. 23). Microaggressions can occur towards people of color, women, LGBTQ persons, religious minorities, disabled people, and multiracial persons. I have published on the following topics:

- Racial microaggressions and people of color

- Sexual orientation microaggressions and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people

- Transgender and gender nonconforming microaggressions

- Gender-based microaggressions and women

- Multiracial microaggressions

- Racial/ ethnic microaggressions and Filipino Americans

- Religious microaggressions

- Intersectional microaggressions

Both qualitative and quantitative measures have been conducted. Such studies have assisted in understanding the harmful influence of microaggressions on physical health and mental health.

Gender and Sexuality Issues:
I have conducted research on various issues related to gender and sexuality - particularly with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. In addition to research on LGBTQ microaggressions, I have conducted research projects involving the intersections of sexual identity with race and ethnicity, particularly for LGBTQ people of color. I have written about transgender sex workers and LGBTQ identity development. I have written on issues related to gender roles and sexism, as well as women's issues and mental health.

Filipino American Issues:
For the past twenty years, I have studied and written about the Filipino American experience. Some of these publications and projects have included experiences of racial/ethnic identity development, experiences with racial discrimination, intersections with gender and sexual orientation, experiences in higher education, substance abuse issues, colonial mentality, and others.

I have completed projects involving Filipino American physical health and mental health, examining how variables like racial discrimination, identity, colonial mentality, cultural values and stigma, exercise, and nutrition impact the lives of Filipino Americans. One project entitled Physical Activity and Pilipino American Youth Assessment (PAPAYA) was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from 2010- 2011.

Systemic Oppression in Criminal Justice

I have conducted research on various topics related to the criminal justice system - including perceptions of police and court systems. Some studies have focused on racial profiling and police, transphobia in prison systems, and coping mechanisms when experiencing discrimination in the criminal justice system. My Perceptions of Police Scale (Nadal & Davidoff, 2015) has been helpful in understanding how historically marginalized groups experience the police.

Research Lab Members

Current Doctoral Students

Rukiya King

Gina Sissoko

Mani Garcia

Current MA Students

Nadia Floyd

Current BA Students

DeCarlos Hines

Yasmin Parris

Former Doctoral Student Researchers

Kristin Davidoff, Ph.D.

Lindsey Davis, Ph.D.

Chassitty Fiani, Ph.D.

Tanya Erazo, Ph.D.

Alexis Forbes, Ph.D.

Former Masters Student Researchers

Neil Allicock (Ph.D. Student at City College)

Tamara Deutsh

Whitney Fujii-Doe, Ph.D. (University of Denver)

Ariana Goswick

Katie Griffin

Sahran Hamit (Ph.D. Student at Howard University)

Heather Han

Amber Heaven

Marie-Anne Issa, Ph.D. (John Jay College)

Alexis Johnson

Jayleen Leon

Oliver Lyons

Victoria McKenzie (Ph.D. Student at University of Texas)

Vanessa Meterko

Diana Mejia

Morgan Rasmus

Amalia Quintanilla 

Sriya Satuluri

Julia Schulman

Christine Serpe, Ph.D. (University of Missouri)

Julie Sriken (Ph.D. Student at Vanderbilt University) 

Amber-Nicole Stephens (Ph.D. Student at Palo Alto University)

Mike Tobio

Vivian Vargas

Michelle Wideman

Yinglee Wong

Former Undergraduate Student Researchers

Kaniz  Fatima

Ajay Kolawole

Marlene Jimenez

David Marshall

Monica Murrillo

Raymond Tebout

Nathalie Velasco (Ph.D. Student at University of Buffalo)

Matt Vittielo

Research Team Members, circa 2020

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